Wednesday 23 May 2018

All About Me

Hello! My name is Jessica, I go to Waitohu School,  I have blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. I am a year 5 and I am 9 years old. I love doing gymnastics with my big brother. My favourite subject is writing and drawing. My favourite food is Subway, my favourite animal is a snow leopard.
 and my favourite hobbies are playing outside and playing on my computer. My favourite movie is the Emoji movie, also my favourite colour is purple and I do really like the colour blue.

I'm Jessica


  1. Kia ora Jessica,

    Welcome to the world of blogging! I can't wait to see the great learning you share on your blog. Well done completing your first blog post.


  2. Kia ora Jessica, my name is Jeremiah. I like those rainbow colours that you put on you blog post, It makes you work stand out good.

    I like pepperoni pizza and dogs and puppies as well and I am 9 too.

    I think that you should add more photos.

    By Jeremiah

  3. Hello Jessica i'm Lilley, you could maybe fix some spelling issues there, but other than that its really cool..keep up the good work

    By Lilley.


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